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1st String Tournament 2024

MBA and The Eden held the first tournament for year 2024. This was also the first tournament on String Pins. The tournament went well, more than expected, and all competitors apart from having again the feeling of a competition, they also had fun. 36 competitors in all participated by playing 5 games. Winners were Liliana Spiteri and Nicholas Muscat, 2nd place Kathryn Fenech and Nicolai Mallia, 3rd place Ruslana Grima and Melvin Galea. For the man section we also had a price for 4th place, won by Aaron Belli.  Good to mention that Nicholas played a series of 1218 over 5 games, 243 average.    Well done to all and thank you MBA and The Eden. Download Results: 1st Tournament 2024 Back

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EWC France

Maltese ladies trios team places 25th in the European Women’s Championships in France The Maltese female bowling team, composed of Cynthia Frendo Duca, Melissa Swift and Ruslana Grima placed 25th out of 33 teams in the Trios competition at the ongoing European Women’s Championships being held in France this week. Frendo Duca was highest for the team over these last 2 days over the 6 games, with a 185 average , followed by Swift with a 178 average and 19 year old Grima with a 172 average giving a team average of 178.7 pin. The top 4 teams were Sweden 2 (225 average), Finland 1 (217) , Germany 1(215) and Finland 2 (215). On Thursday and Friday the ladies have another set of 6 games as they take part in the 5 person team event. Thanks go to SportMalta and the MOC for all their support in making this happen.  All results are online at EBF Championship by KTA –  It-tim tat-trios Malti tan-nisa jispiċċa fil-25 post fil-Kampjonati Ewropej tan-Nisa fi Franza It-tim Malti femminili tal-bowling, magħmul minn Cynthia Frendo Duca, Melissa Swift u Ruslana Grima spiċċa fil-25 post minn 33 tim fil-kompetizzjoni Trios fil-Kampjonati Ewropej tan-Nisa li għaddejjin bħalissa fi Franza din il-ġimgħa sas-sibt li ġej Frendo Duca kienet l-ogħla għat-tim matul dawn l-aħħar jumejn matul is-6 logħbiet, b’medja ta’ 185 , segwita minn Swift b’medja ta’ 178 u 19-il sena Grima b’medja ta’ 172 , li fissret medja ta’ tim ta’ 178.7 pin. L-aqwa 4 timijiet kienu l-Iżvezja 2 (medja ta’ 225), il-Finlandja 1 (217) , il-Ġermanja 1(215) u l-Finlandja 2 (215). Nhar il-Ħamis u l-Ġimgħa l-plejers għandhom sett ieħor ta’ 6 logħbiet hekk kif jieħdu sehem fl-kompetizzjoni tat-tim ta’ 5 persuni. Grazzi tmur lil SportMalta u lill-MOC għall-appoġġ kollu tagħhom biex dan iseħħ. Back

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Tiziana Carannante

Tiziana Carannante made history by winning the Ladies Italian National Championship. During 2024 she was participating in the FISB National League, and she finished within the Top 24 Ladies and won the right to play the finals. The rest is history. Well done Tiziana, a model to MBA youths especially the girls. One may read an interesting article about Tiziana by clicking on this link:

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MBC 2024

Team Malta composed by Tiziana Carannante, Cynthia F Duca, Kayden Lagana and Nicholas Muscat participated in this year, 2024 Mediterranean Bowling Championships. Rick Vogelsang accompanied the team as national coach. The event was carried out in Rome, Italy. In total 5 medals were won by Team Malta, 1 Gold, 3 Silver and 1 Bronze.  The Men Singles event was for sure a first of its kind for Malta because the 2 Maltese male bowlers, Kayden and Nicholas won the Gold and Silver medals, respectively.  In the Men Doubles event, Kayden and Nicholas placed 2nd after Greece winning a silver medal.  Teams event, Team Malta managed to place 2nd, an event won by home team Italy.  And another bronze medal by Kayden Lagana in the All-Events Mens section.  MBA would like to thank MOC and Sport Malta for their assistance. 

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Team Malta EYC 2024

Kayden Lagana’ shoots a new highest 6 game series at the European Youth Championships in HelsinkiThe Maltese National Youth bowling teams, 4 boys and 4 girls went to Finland to take part in the European Youth under 18 Championships in which 100 boys and 68 girls representing 27 countries took part.With no official center to train on for 3 months, this was not going to be easy but thanks to the timely support of BeActive SportMalta, a certain amount of training opportunities were made available in Gozo and in Malta at the 2 small remaining centres to allow the players an acceptable level of preparation, under coach Mark Spiteri. The male 4 boys’ team, made up of Nicolai Mallia, Julian Baldacchino, Chris Fenech and Kayden Lagana’, had a great performance and finished in 7th place out of 22 teams ahead of countries like England, The Netherlands, Germany, France and Italy, to name a few. It was during this team event that Lagana’ set not only the Maltese 6 game record butalso the best 6 game series by a youth in the European Youth Championships of 1487 (247.8 average), that started off with an incredible 22 strikes in a row to bowl a perfect 300 followed up by a 289. Lagana’ with this performance finished in 4th place in the All Events, and also made it to the Masters where he lost out in the opening direct clash with the Norwegian Mathias Danielsen, who went on to win the overall Masters event.The girls’ team, bowling on a less difficult but still tough lane condition, made up of Mia Bugeja, Celianne Micallef, Jade Barbara and Karlise Bartolo finished in 14th place, with Mia bowling best with a strong 188 average, that combined with her scores in the singles and doubles event, meant she finished highest of the Maltese girls in 43rd place. Back

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Żewġ Midalji jintrebħu għal Tim Malta fil-Kampjonati Mediterranji talBowling 2023

B’hekk, iż-żagħżugħ Malti, Kayden Laganà, sar l-iżgħar raġel biex qatt rebaħ midalja fl-istorja ta’ dawn il-kampjonati.  Tim Malta rebaħ żewġ midalji fit-tieni ġurnata tal-MBC 2023 f’San Marino – il-Maltin spiċċaw fit-tielet post fil-Men’s Doubles waqt in-nisa spiċċaw fit-tieni post fil-Women’s Doubles. Lirġiel Maltin kienu Kayden Laganà u Mauro Anastasi waqt li l-par nisa Maltin kienu Sue Abelau Cynthia Frendo Duca.  Fil-Men’s Doubles, Tim Malta spiċċa s-sitt logħbiet fit-tielet post – 10 pins biss aħjar mill-par Taljan li spiċċaw fir-raba post. Fost il-Maltin, Mauro Anastasi ġab total ta’ 1200 li jiġi medja ta’ 200 kull logħba, waqt li ż-żagħżugħ Kayden Laganà spiċċa b’skor totali ta’ 1323 (ġab punteġġ medju ta’ 220.5). B’hekk, Laganà sar l-iżgħar raġel biex qatt rebaħ midalja fl-istorja ta’ dawn il-kampjonati bl-età ta’ 15-il sena u 177 ġurnata. Laganà kien ir-raba’ l-aqwa raġelf’din il-kategorija.  Fost in-nisa, Sue Abela u Cynthia Frendo Duca spiċċaw il-Women’s Doubles fit-tieni post. Ilpar Maltin kienu fil-ħames post qabel ma bdiet l-aħħar logħba, iżda wara li flimkien skurjaw l-aqwa logħba bħala par f’din il-kategorija fost il-federazzjonijiet kollha, huma rnexxielhom jitilgħu tliet pożizzjonijiet biex jirbħu l-midalja tal-fidda. Fl-aħħar logħba, Frendo Duca ġabet skor ta’ 208 waqt li Abela spiċċat b’punteġġ għoli ta’ 247 – flimkien ġabu punteġġ totali ta’ 455 fl-aħħar logħba ta’ din il-kategorija. Dawn l-atleti se jippruvaw iġibu iktar suċċess għal Tim Malta fit-tlett ijiem li ġejjin fejn għad iridu jilgħabu fil-kategoriji tal-Mixed Doubles, bħala Tim sħiħ ta’ 4, u fil-kategoriji rispettivi tal-Masters. Team Malta wins Two Medals in the Doubles Events at the Mediterranean Bowling Championships 2023  Team Malta won bronze and silver during the Doubles events of the MBC 2023 – bronze from the men and silver from the women. Kayden Laganà is now the youngest male ever to win a medal at the Mediterranean Bowling Championships.  Team Malta won two medals in Day 2 of the MBC 2023 in San Marino – bronze in the Men’s Doubles and silver in the Women’s Doubles. The Men’s Doubles team comprised of Kayden Laganà and Mauro Anastasi while the Women’s Doubles pairing consisted of Sue Abela and Cynthia Frendo Duca. In the Men’s Doubles, Team Malta managed to secure 3rd place after 6 games, finishing just 10 pins ahead of Italy’s pair who ended up in 4th place. Both men played brilliantly; Mauro Anastasi scored 1200 over 6 games to average a 200 score per game, while teenager Kayden Laganà scored a total of 1323 (220.5 average). With this result, Kayden Laganà has now become the youngest ever male medalist in the history of the Mediterranean Bowling Championships at the young age of 15 years and 177 days old. Laganà was also the 4th best individual during this event.  Sue Abela and Cynthia Frendo Duca then paired up for the Women’s Doubles and finished their respective 6-game block in 2nd place to earn a well-earned silver medal. They did so by rolling the highest-scoring game of the entire Women’s Doubles category as a duo in the final game, Game 6, to climb up into a podium finish. In Game 6, Frendo Duca scored 208 while Abela managed a 247 game to move up 3 placings from just the final game alone; together, they scored a total of 455 in Game 6.  Team Malta will be hoping to win more medals in the remaining events over the coming 3 days; the remaining events are the Mixed Doubles, the Team Event, and the Men’s and Women’s Masters.

Żewġ Midalji jintrebħu għal Tim Malta fil-Kampjonati Mediterranji talBowling 2023 Read More »

Il-Malta Bowling Association tiżvela tarki ġodda għall-kampjonati nazzjonali u ħabbretkollaborazzjoni f’proġett tal-Erasmus+

L-assoċjazzjoni nazzjonali tal-bowling f’Malta żvela żewġ tarki bħala l-premji l-ġodda taż-żewġ kampjonati eżistenti tagħhom f’kollaborazzjoni mal-Bank of Valletta. Ukoll ħabbru kif il-proġett tal-Erasmus+ se tgħin ilmembri tagħhom sabiex jitjiebu l-logħob tagħhom.  L-ewwel minn żewġ avviżi waqt il-Presentation Night ra lil Malta Bowling Association (MBA) jiżvela żewġ tarki bħala l-premji l-ġodda għat-timijiet li jirbħu l-kampjonati nazzjonali sponsorjati minn BOV. Tarka ġiet preżentata għal kull tim rebbieħ mis-staġun li temm xahar ilu f’Ġunju 2023 – wieħed għal “Team BOOM” li rebħu l-BOV Premier League u ieħor għat-tim “Emma’s Kitchen” li spiċċaw ir-rebbieħa tal-BOV Tieni Diviżjoni (BOV 2nd Division).  It-tarki għandhom 14-il plakka tal-fidda fuqhom; ippjanata li kull plakka jkollha inċiżjoni bl-isem tat-tim rebbieħa għall-kampjonati li ġejjin.  It-tieni avviż ħabbar li l-MBA se tikkollabora ma’ professuri mill-Università ta’ Aristotle f’Tessaloniki u Tenpin Club tal-Bowling mill-istess belt Grieg f’proġett tal-Erasmus+.  Dan il-proġett, li jismu “STAY In Bowling”, se tati opportunità lil membri interessati sabiex janalizzaw it-teknika tagħhom bl-użu ta’ sensuri. B’dawn is-sensuri, atleti (flimkien mal-kowċes tagħhom) jistgħu jaraw minn applikazzjoni addattata t-teknika tagħhom f’forma ta’ figura rqiqa. B’hekk, il-parteċipanti se jkollhom lopportunità jaraw x’inhuma eżatti l-affarijiet konsistenti u inkonsistenti fil-logħba tagħhom. Dan il-proġett huwa fl-ewwel fażi fit-timeline tiegħu – il-kollezzjoni ta’ applikazzjonijiet minn membri interessati li jixtiequ jitjiebu bl-użu ta’ din it-teknoloġija.  Il-Malta Bowling Association għamlet dawn iż-żewġ avviżi waqt il-Presentation Night tagħhom nhar ilĠimgħa, fejn ippreżentew medalji u premji lil atleti lokali li rebħu l-kampjonati u kompetizzjonijiet fil-perjodu bejn it-tieni nofs ta’ 2022 sa l-ewwel nofs ta’ 2023. Premier League Winners Team Boom Malta Bowling Association Unveils BOV National League Shields and Collaboration in Erasmus+ Project in Presentation Night  The national bowling association unveiled new league trophies in the form of shields to commemorate their national leagues in collaboration with Bank of Valletta. The Malta Bowling Association (MBA) hosted its Presentation Night this Friday evening, in which trophies and medals were given to the winners of local tournaments and leagues from the second half of 2022 till the first half of 2023.  In one of two surprise announcements, the MBA unveiled its new league shields for the winners of its national leagues to its members. These shields were presented by representatives from Bank of Valletta since BOV sponsor the MBA’s nationally sanctioned leagues. Two shields were presented: one for the BOV 2nd Division and one for the BOV Premier League.  The shields feature silver plaques featuring engravings of the names of the league-winning teams. These league prizes were presented to the reigning champions of each league: Team BOOM for the BOV Premier League and Emma’s Kitchen as the recent winners of the BOV 2nd Division. Players from the winning teams were also presented with medals.  The second announcement notified the present members of the MBA about the association’s involvement in an Erasmus+ project titled “STAY In Bowling” in collaboration with professors within the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.  They announced that members who wish to participate in this project shall benefit from sensory technology they may use to analyse their techniques during training sessions. Using gait analysis, the attached sensors will create a stick figure of the bowler in question through a created software; this will help local athletes, with help from their coaches, analyse their techniques and spot any inconsistencies from one shot to another.  This Erasmus+ project is currently in the application process of its timeline. DIV2 League Winners Team Emmas Kitchen STAY in Bowling Project

Il-Malta Bowling Association tiżvela tarki ġodda għall-kampjonati nazzjonali u ħabbretkollaborazzjoni f’proġett tal-Erasmus+ Read More »

MBA Silver Cup 2023: Il-kompetituri żgħażagħ jirbħu lil dawk esperjenzat

Il-kompetizzjoni li tissejjaħ is-Silver Cup imtella’ mill-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Bowling f’Malta (MBA) – turnew annwali tal-bowling għal plejers intermedji, li din is-sena intrebaħ minn żewġ żgħażagħ: Mikhail Mallia ta’ 10 snin għall-kategorija maskili, u l-istudenta tal-Iskola Nazzjonali tal-Isport, Jade Barbara, ta’ 13-il sena, għall-kategorija femminili. Tnejn mill-iżgħar membri fl-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Bowling f’Malta (MBA) ġew inkurunati bħala ċ-champions tasSilver Cup ta’ din is-sena. It-turnew ta’ livell intermedjarju tas-Silver Cup huwa immirat għall-kompetiturikemm nisa u rġiel ta’ kull età, li għandhom skor medju li ma jaqbiżx il-165 u l-170 rispettivament.  Wara sitt logħbiet fl-istadju ta’ kwalifikazzjoni, iż-żewġ rebbieħa ta’ dan it-turnew ikkwalifikaw fl-aqwa tlietpostijiet; Barbara ikkwalifikat għar-rawnd robin finali fit-tielet post, filwaqt li Mallia kien diġà jinsab fl-ewwelpost f’dan l-istadju.  Waqt il-kwalifikazzjoni, Mallia kiseb l-aqwa logħba tal-kampjonat, wara li kiseb skor scratch ta’ 278. F’din illogħba, huwa strajkja f’kull frame ħlief f’waħda, fejn ġab 8-spare.  Matul ir-rawnd robin finali, l-aqwa tmien kompetituri minn kull kategorija lagħbu seba’ konfronti diretti.Għalhekk, kull kompetitur kellu jilgħab kontra kull finalist. Nofs it-total tal-pinfall tagħhom waqt l-istadju ta’kwalifikazzjoni ġie trasferit għal dan l-istadju finali biex b’hekk jiżdiedu fuq il-punteġġ miksub fl-istadju finaliflimkien mal-punti bonus li ingħataw skont ir-riżultat tal-konfront dirett; 20 punt addizzjonali ingħataw lirrebbieħ ta’ kull konfront dirett, filwaqt li 10 punti tqassmu b’mod ugwali fost il-kompetituri li ġabu drawf’waħda minn dawn il-partiti fil-finali.  Fil-kategorija maskili, Mallia, li bħalissa huwa iċ-champion nazzjonali tal-U12, irnexxielu jżomm l-ewwel post waraseba’ logħbiet, hekk kif rebaħ 6 minn 7 konfronti diretti.Mallia wkoll lagħab l-aqwa logħba fl-istadju finali tar-rawndrobin, fejn kiseb skor scratch impressjonanti ta’ 241.Għalhekk, Mallia kiseb r-rebħa tiegħu b’distakk qawwi millbqija tal-kompetituri; Travis Barbara, żgħażugħ ieħor lijilgħab b’żewġ idejn, ikklassifika fit-tieni post, b’235 puntinqas mit-total finali tar-rebbieħ.  Jade Barbara, ta’ 13-il sena, rebħet l-ewwel unurindividawali tagħha f’dan it-turnew tas-Silver Cup ta’ din issena. Minkejja li kkwalifikat għar-rawnd robin finali fit-tielet post, Barbara ma kinitx fost il-favoriti biex tirbaħdan it-turnew hekk kif kellha 17-il punt handicap f’kull logħba. Dan ifisser li kkumparata mal-bqija tal-punteġġimedji komposti tal-finalisti l-oħra fl-2023, din il-kompetitriċi kienet teknikament is-sitt l-aqwa plejer fil-finalita’ tmien kompetituri.  Madankollu, iż-żagħżugħa qalbiena tat prestazzjoni fenominali hekk kif rebħet is-7 konfronti diretti li kellhafl-istadju finali.  Travis Barbara, li jilgħab b’żewġ idejn, ikklassifika fit-tieni post b’235 punt inqas mit-total finali ta’ Mallia,filwaqt li Aaron Belli, li jilgħab għall-‘’Malta International Airport’’ fil-League tat-Tieni Diviżjoni tal-BOV,ikklassifika fit-tielet post. Dan kien l-ewwel turnew ta’ Belli f’dawn l-aħħar seba’ snin, u rnexxielu jitla’ ħamespostijiet fil-klassifika mir-rawnd ta’ kwalifikazzjoni. Travis Barbara, ħu Jade Barbara, r-rebbieħa femminili ta’dan it-turnew, ukoll irnexxielu jitla’ post fil-klassifika fir-rawnd finali.  Il-podju għall-kategorija tan-nisa ġie komplut mill-bowlers tal-BOV Premier League Sandra Xuereb, likklassifikat fit-tieni post, u l-bowler żagħżugħa Kathryn Fenech, li kklassifikat fit-tielet post. Xuereb kienet fissitt post waqt ir-rawnd ta’ kwalifikazzjoni filwaqt li Fenech kienet fl-ewwel post wara l-istess rawnd.  MBA Silver Cup 2023: Youth winners triumph over experienced competitors The Malta Bowling Association’s Silver Cup – an annual bowling tournament for intermediate players – was won this year by two young youths: 10-year-old Mikhail Mallia was the victor for the male category, while National Sports School student Jade Barbara became this year’s Silver Cup female champion.  Two of the youngest members in the Malta Bowling Association were crowned as the 2023 MBA Silver Cupchampions this past weekend. The Silver Cup is an intermediate level tournament for men and women of allages with a composite average not exceeding 170 and 165 respectively.  After six games of qualifying, both eventual winners qualified amongst Top 3 positions; 13-year-old Barbaraqualified for the round robin finals in 3rd place while Mallia finished qualifying in 1st place.  During qualifying, Mallia bowled the best game of the tournament after rolling a 278 scratch game. In thisgame, he struck on every shot but one in which he scored an 8-spare.  During the round robin finals, the Top 8 from each category played seven direct encounters – one versus eachother finalist. Half of their total pinfall from qualifying was carried over into this final stage, the scores theygot during these one-on-one matches were added onto that total throughout, and bonus points were givendepending on the result of the direct encounter; 20 additional points were given to the winner of each directencounter and 10 points were distributed evenly amongst competitors that drew in one of these finalsmatches.  Within the male category, Mallia retained his 1st place position after 7 games. The reigning national U12champion also bowled the best game of the round robin finals after rolling a great 241 scratch score. Malliawon 6/7 of his direct encounters and earned this title with some separation from the rest of his competitors;2nd placed Travis Barbara – another two-handed youth bowler – finished with a total that was 235 pointsshort of Mallia’s final total.  13-year-old Jade Barbara won her first individual honour by winning this year’s Silver Cup. Despite qualifyingin 3rd place, Barbara was an underdog on paper to win the tournament; Barbara had 17 handicap points pergame throughout this competition, making her just the sixth best player on paper going into the finals(judging by the finalists composite average since the start of 2023).  However, the young teenager clearly was not fazed as she phenomenally went on to win all 7 of her directencounters in the round robin finals – the only competitor in this year’s edition to do so from both genderedcategories.  Two-handed youth Travis Barbara finished a distant 2nd place while BOV 2nd Division bowler for “MaltaInternational Airport” Aaron Belli finished in 3rd place in his first tournament in more than 7 years. Belliclimbed up after qualifying in 7th place while Travis Barbara – Jade Barbara’s brother – improved from his 3rdplace qualifying spot.  The podium for the female category was rounded out by BOV Premier League bowlers Sandra Xuereb in 2ndplace and youth bowler Kathryn Fenech in 3rd place. Xuereb climbed the ladder from 6th place while Fenechwas the top seed after qualifying before the round robin finals commenced.

MBA Silver Cup 2023: Il-kompetituri żgħażagħ jirbħu lil dawk esperjenzat Read More »