Żewġ Midalji jintrebħu għal Tim Malta fil-Kampjonati Mediterranji talBowling 2023
B’hekk, iż-żagħżugħ Malti, Kayden Laganà, sar l-iżgħar raġel biex qatt rebaħ midalja fl-istorja ta’ dawn il-kampjonati. Tim Malta rebaħ żewġ midalji fit-tieni ġurnata tal-MBC 2023 f’San Marino – il-Maltin spiċċaw fit-tielet post fil-Men’s Doubles waqt in-nisa spiċċaw fit-tieni post fil-Women’s Doubles. Lirġiel Maltin kienu Kayden Laganà u Mauro Anastasi waqt li l-par nisa Maltin kienu Sue Abelau Cynthia Frendo Duca. Fil-Men’s Doubles, Tim Malta spiċċa s-sitt logħbiet fit-tielet post – 10 pins biss aħjar mill-par Taljan li spiċċaw fir-raba post. Fost il-Maltin, Mauro Anastasi ġab total ta’ 1200 li jiġi medja ta’ 200 kull logħba, waqt li ż-żagħżugħ Kayden Laganà spiċċa b’skor totali ta’ 1323 (ġab punteġġ medju ta’ 220.5). B’hekk, Laganà sar l-iżgħar raġel biex qatt rebaħ midalja fl-istorja ta’ dawn il-kampjonati bl-età ta’ 15-il sena u 177 ġurnata. Laganà kien ir-raba’ l-aqwa raġelf’din il-kategorija. Fost in-nisa, Sue Abela u Cynthia Frendo Duca spiċċaw il-Women’s Doubles fit-tieni post. Ilpar Maltin kienu fil-ħames post qabel ma bdiet l-aħħar logħba, iżda wara li flimkien skurjaw l-aqwa logħba bħala par f’din il-kategorija fost il-federazzjonijiet kollha, huma rnexxielhom jitilgħu tliet pożizzjonijiet biex jirbħu l-midalja tal-fidda. Fl-aħħar logħba, Frendo Duca ġabet skor ta’ 208 waqt li Abela spiċċat b’punteġġ għoli ta’ 247 – flimkien ġabu punteġġ totali ta’ 455 fl-aħħar logħba ta’ din il-kategorija. Dawn l-atleti se jippruvaw iġibu iktar suċċess għal Tim Malta fit-tlett ijiem li ġejjin fejn għad iridu jilgħabu fil-kategoriji tal-Mixed Doubles, bħala Tim sħiħ ta’ 4, u fil-kategoriji rispettivi tal-Masters. Team Malta wins Two Medals in the Doubles Events at the Mediterranean Bowling Championships 2023 Team Malta won bronze and silver during the Doubles events of the MBC 2023 – bronze from the men and silver from the women. Kayden Laganà is now the youngest male ever to win a medal at the Mediterranean Bowling Championships. Team Malta won two medals in Day 2 of the MBC 2023 in San Marino – bronze in the Men’s Doubles and silver in the Women’s Doubles. The Men’s Doubles team comprised of Kayden Laganà and Mauro Anastasi while the Women’s Doubles pairing consisted of Sue Abela and Cynthia Frendo Duca. In the Men’s Doubles, Team Malta managed to secure 3rd place after 6 games, finishing just 10 pins ahead of Italy’s pair who ended up in 4th place. Both men played brilliantly; Mauro Anastasi scored 1200 over 6 games to average a 200 score per game, while teenager Kayden Laganà scored a total of 1323 (220.5 average). With this result, Kayden Laganà has now become the youngest ever male medalist in the history of the Mediterranean Bowling Championships at the young age of 15 years and 177 days old. Laganà was also the 4th best individual during this event. Sue Abela and Cynthia Frendo Duca then paired up for the Women’s Doubles and finished their respective 6-game block in 2nd place to earn a well-earned silver medal. They did so by rolling the highest-scoring game of the entire Women’s Doubles category as a duo in the final game, Game 6, to climb up into a podium finish. In Game 6, Frendo Duca scored 208 while Abela managed a 247 game to move up 3 placings from just the final game alone; together, they scored a total of 455 in Game 6. Team Malta will be hoping to win more medals in the remaining events over the coming 3 days; the remaining events are the Mixed Doubles, the Team Event, and the Men’s and Women’s Masters.
Żewġ Midalji jintrebħu għal Tim Malta fil-Kampjonati Mediterranji talBowling 2023 Read More »