MBA | The Official Website of the Malta Bowling Association

Il-Malta Bowling Association tiżvela tarki ġodda għall-kampjonati nazzjonali u ħabbretkollaborazzjoni f’proġett tal-Erasmus+

L-assoċjazzjoni nazzjonali tal-bowling f’Malta żvela żewġ tarki bħala l-premji l-ġodda taż-żewġ kampjonati eżistenti tagħhom f’kollaborazzjoni mal-Bank of Valletta. Ukoll ħabbru kif il-proġett tal-Erasmus+ se tgħin ilmembri tagħhom sabiex jitjiebu l-logħob tagħhom. 

L-ewwel minn żewġ avviżi waqt il-Presentation Night ra lil Malta Bowling Association (MBA) jiżvela żewġ tarki bħala l-premji l-ġodda għat-timijiet li jirbħu l-kampjonati nazzjonali sponsorjati minn BOV. Tarka ġiet preżentata għal kull tim rebbieħ mis-staġun li temm xahar ilu f’Ġunju 2023 – wieħed għal “Team BOOM” li rebħu l-BOV Premier League u ieħor għat-tim “Emma’s Kitchen” li spiċċaw ir-rebbieħa tal-BOV Tieni Diviżjoni (BOV 2nd Division). 

It-tarki għandhom 14-il plakka tal-fidda fuqhom; ippjanata li kull plakka jkollha inċiżjoni bl-isem tat-tim rebbieħa għall-kampjonati li ġejjin. 

It-tieni avviż ħabbar li l-MBA se tikkollabora ma’ professuri mill-Università ta’ Aristotle f’Tessaloniki u Tenpin Club tal-Bowling mill-istess belt Grieg f’proġett tal-Erasmus+. 

Dan il-proġett, li jismu “STAY In Bowling”, se tati opportunità lil membri interessati sabiex janalizzaw it-teknika tagħhom bl-użu ta’ sensuri. B’dawn is-sensuri, atleti (flimkien mal-kowċes tagħhom) jistgħu jaraw minn applikazzjoni addattata t-teknika tagħhom f’forma ta’ figura rqiqa. B’hekk, il-parteċipanti se jkollhom lopportunità jaraw x’inhuma eżatti l-affarijiet konsistenti u inkonsistenti fil-logħba tagħhom. Dan il-proġett huwa fl-ewwel fażi fit-timeline tiegħu – il-kollezzjoni ta’ applikazzjonijiet minn membri interessati li jixtiequ jitjiebu bl-użu ta’ din it-teknoloġija. 

Il-Malta Bowling Association għamlet dawn iż-żewġ avviżi waqt il-Presentation Night tagħhom nhar ilĠimgħa, fejn ippreżentew medalji u premji lil atleti lokali li rebħu l-kampjonati u kompetizzjonijiet fil-perjodu bejn it-tieni nofs ta’ 2022 sa l-ewwel nofs ta’ 2023.

Premier League Winners Team Boom

Malta Bowling Association Unveils BOV National League Shields and Collaboration in Erasmus+ Project in Presentation Night 

The national bowling association unveiled new league trophies in the form of shields to commemorate their national leagues in collaboration with Bank of Valletta. The Malta Bowling Association (MBA) hosted its Presentation Night this Friday evening, in which trophies and medals were given to the winners of local tournaments and leagues from the second half of 2022 till the first half of 2023. 

In one of two surprise announcements, the MBA unveiled its new league shields for the winners of its national leagues to its members. These shields were presented by representatives from Bank of Valletta since BOV sponsor the MBA’s nationally sanctioned leagues. Two shields were presented: one for the BOV 2nd Division and one for the BOV Premier League. 

The shields feature silver plaques featuring engravings of the names of the league-winning teams. These league prizes were presented to the reigning champions of each league: Team BOOM for the BOV Premier League and Emma’s Kitchen as the recent winners of the BOV 2nd Division. Players from the winning teams were also presented with medals. 

The second announcement notified the present members of the MBA about the association’s involvement in an Erasmus+ project titled “STAY In Bowling” in collaboration with professors within the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 

They announced that members who wish to participate in this project shall benefit from sensory technology they may use to analyse their techniques during training sessions. Using gait analysis, the attached sensors will create a stick figure of the bowler in question through a created software; this will help local athletes, with help from their coaches, analyse their techniques and spot any inconsistencies from one shot to another. 

This Erasmus+ project is currently in the application process of its timeline.

DIV2 League Winners Team Emmas Kitchen
STAY in Bowling Project

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