MBA | The Official Website of the Malta Bowling Association

EWC France

Maltese ladies trios team places 25th in the European Women’s Championships in France The Maltese female bowling team, composed of Cynthia Frendo Duca, Melissa Swift and Ruslana Grima placed 25th out of 33 teams in the Trios competition at the ongoing European Women’s Championships being held in France this week. Frendo Duca was highest for the team over these last 2 days over the 6 games, with a 185 average , followed by Swift with a 178 average and 19 year old Grima with a 172 average giving a team average of 178.7 pin. The top 4 teams were Sweden 2 (225 average), Finland 1 (217) , Germany 1(215) and Finland 2 (215). On Thursday and Friday the ladies have another set of 6 games as they take part in the 5 person team event. Thanks go to SportMalta and the MOC for all their support in making this happen. 

All results are online at EBF Championship by KTA – 

It-tim tat-trios Malti tan-nisa jispiċċa fil-25 post fil-Kampjonati Ewropej tan-Nisa fi Franza It-tim Malti femminili tal-bowling, magħmul minn Cynthia Frendo Duca, Melissa Swift u Ruslana Grima spiċċa fil-25 post minn 33 tim fil-kompetizzjoni Trios fil-Kampjonati Ewropej tan-Nisa li għaddejjin bħalissa fi Franza din il-ġimgħa sas-sibt li ġej Frendo Duca kienet l-ogħla għat-tim matul dawn l-aħħar jumejn matul is-6 logħbiet, b’medja ta’ 185 , segwita minn Swift b’medja ta’ 178 u 19-il sena Grima b’medja ta’ 172 , li fissret medja ta’ tim ta’ 178.7 pin. L-aqwa 4 timijiet kienu l-Iżvezja 2 (medja ta’ 225), il-Finlandja 1 (217) , il-Ġermanja 1(215) u l-Finlandja 2 (215). Nhar il-Ħamis u l-Ġimgħa l-plejers għandhom sett ieħor ta’ 6 logħbiet hekk kif jieħdu sehem fl-kompetizzjoni tat-tim ta’ 5 persuni. Grazzi tmur lil SportMalta u lill-MOC għall-appoġġ kollu tagħhom biex dan iseħħ.

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