MBA | The Official Website of the Malta Bowling Association

Team Malta for European Youth Championships 2025

MBA Boys Team finalised for the European Youth Championships in Turkey.

The 4 boys who will represent Malta at the upcoming EYC have qualified after a series of 6
tournaments over the past 3 month in which all the 9 eligible boys bowled 30 games each.
With Kayden Lagana’ and Nicolai Mallia being well ahead already after 3 sessions, and with
Travis Barbara sitting in a relatively secure 3 rd position after these same 3 rounds, the
challenge revolved mainly between the next 2 youths. Tomas Caruso, and Julian
Baldacchino. While Baldacchino had the experience of having already represented Malta in
2024 at the EYC and took a strong lead after 2 sessions , Caruso was fighting for his first
opportunity and who was able to turn things around with a powerful last 4 sessions to
overtake Baldacchino and take the 4 th spot. His performance over the last few sessions was
indeed almost enough to even overtake Barbara, who survived in 3 rd place by just 24 pins
(5550 vs 5526)
The overall scores saw Lagana’ end 1 st with a super 214.7 average, followed by Mallia on a
203 average, Barbara with 185 and Caruso with 184.2 Baldacchino ended in fifth with a
172.3 average followed by the younger brother of Nicolai, Mikhail Mallia on a 170.88.
Samuel Caruso, Yacob Farrugia and Kayden Zammit ended up in 6 th , 7 th and 8 th place
MBA Boys Team finalizzat għall-Kampjonati Ewropej taż-Żgħażagħ fit-Turkija.

L-4 subien li se jirrappreżentaw lil Malta fl-EYC li jmiss ikkwalifikaw wara sensiela ta 6
tournaments matul l-aħħar 3 xhur li fihom id-9 subien eliġibbli lagħbu 30 logħba kull wieħed.

B Kayden Lagana u Nicolai Mallia jkunu ferm il quddiem diġà wara 3 sessjonijiet, u bi Travis
Barbara fit-3 pożizzjoni relattivament sigura wara dawn l-istess 3 rawnds, l-isfida kienet
iddur l-aktar bejn iż-2 żgħażagħ li jmiss. Tomas Caruso, u Julian Baldacchino. Filwaqt li
Baldacchino kellu l-esperjenza li diġà rrappreżenta lil Malta fl-2024 fl-EYC u ħa vantaġġ
qawwi wara 2 sessjonijiet , Caruso kien qed jiġġieled għall-ewwel opportunità tiegħu u kien
kapaċi jdawwar l-affarijiet bl-aħħar 4 sessjonijiet b'saħħithom biex jaqbeż lil Baldacchino u
jieħu r-4 post. Il-prestazzjoni tiegħu matul l-aħħar ftit sessjonijiet kienet tabilħaqq kważi
biżżejjed biex saħansitra jaqbeż lil Barbara, li baqa' fit-3 post b'24 pin biss (totali ta’ 5550 vs

Il-punteġġi ġenerali raw lil Lagana itemm fl-ewwel post medja kbira ta’ 214.7, segwit minn Mallia fuq medja 203, Barbara 185 u Caruso 184.2 Baldacchino spiċċa fil-ħames post b’ medja ta’ 172.3 segwit minn ħu ż-żgħir Nicolai, Mikhail Mallia fuq 170.88. Samuel
Caruso, Yacob Farrugia u Kayden Zammit spiċċaw fis-6, is-7 u t-8 post rispettivament.

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